Saturday, February 17, 2007

Insights: Behind The Mask of The Bacchus Parade

Last week, I had a drink with a friend of mine who rides with the Krewe of Bacchus in New Orleans. His insights into the 'other side' of such a huge parade were quite interesting.

Astute observers of the parade will notice that all the riders are attached to the float by cables. It turns out that as the floats form up, the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) boards each float and checks it to ensure that there are no weapons, glass, or other prohibited materials. This is done before each float is allowed to join the parade. The NOPD also places seals over the cable connections that attach the riders to the float. This seal must not be broken under any circumstance. Thus, each rider is committed to the parade for the entire length, come what may. Despite these restrictions, I really hope that my friend has fun tomorrow night. Somehow, I suspect that he will.

The CP


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