Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hurricanes '06

The first of December marks the end of hurricane season. Thank goodness. The 2006 season was, for the most part, mercifully quiet. Nowhere was this appreciated more than on the Gulf coast. Louisiana is still recovering from the double trauma of the 'media darling' hurricane, Katrina, and the forgotten hurricane, Rita. We can now breath a sigh of relief, until the beginning of next June.

New Orleans is still a mess. Many people are still displaced. In a recent survey, 17% of those who have returned are planning to leave again, within the next year. The petty political waste of Mayor Nagin, the incompetent Governor Blanco, in conjunction with Federal stupidity and corporate greed, ensure that the only people recovering are the out of State 'contractors'. If you do not believe this, look at the links at the G Bitch blog.

In the area afflicted by hurricane Rita, the situation is still pretty bad, but slowly getting better, despite (not because of) governmental incompetence. At long last, it was announced today, they will be rebuilding the main hospital in Cameron Parish. It will have many fewer beds, but at least it is being rebuilt. A local tax was needed to pay for running it though.

So, good ridance to hurricane season. For those outside Louisiana, please remember that things are still not right here. The people afflicted by Rita have been marginalized and are still struggling. However, we have all been saved the horrors of more devistating storms, for this year at least. Let us thank all the gods.

The CP


Blogger Tenured Radical said...


Been watching from afar. I still can't forget a year ago September, when I had moved back into our house, but there was no electricity and running water -- I called a friend on my cell, having a breakdown, and she described what was gong in in New Orleans and told me just to shut up. Of course, I had no idea, as I had no electricity -- and thus, no TV.

There was a great article in the NY Times today about salvaging houses rather than just tearing htem down, throwing them into dumpsters and putting them in a landfill. They do it in Oregon, and apparently it saves amazing amounts of $ in several ways, provides employment, and means that you don't have to use all new materials to rebuild.

hang in htere,


8:14 PM  

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